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Home Diritti Umani The right to education of persons in detention

The right to education of persons in detention

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The right to education of persons in detention

The present report is submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 8/4. The Special Rapporteur on the right to education decided to devote the report to the question of the right to education of persons in detention, a group subject to discrimination generally and to discrimination in the provision of education specifically.

Learning in prison through educational programmes is generally considered to have an impact on recidivism, reintegration and, more specifically, employment outcomes upon release. Education is however much more than a tool for change; it is an imperative in its own right.

However, prisoners face significant educational challenges owing to a range of environmental, social, organizational and individual factors. The Special Rapporteur aims to inform and assist Governments and interested parties in their efforts to address these factors and develop best practices so as to ensure the currently unfulfilled right to education for persons in detention. (...)

The Report:

The Special Rapporteur on the right to education:

United Nations Human Rights Council:

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