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Home Ambiente 18th April: The Climate Summit on line

18th April: The Climate Summit on line

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The Climate Summit is a an online forum that promises to be a watershed event, aimed at organizing and articulating the non-governmental side of the international effort to tackle climate change and transition to a low-carbon world. We are producing a series of carbon-light international virtual conferences bringing you together with the thought and action leaders of our time. We are creating a meeting place in the global commons for the people of Earth to address the challenge of the climate crisis. Our first meeting on April 16th will be a strategy session as well as a ‘shakeout’ of our use of the technology.The Climate Summit RoundTable will join thought and action leaders from around the globe from such domains and disciplines as
science and spirit, ethics and business, education and journalism. We will draw from a rich collection of experience, knowledge and wisdom, cutting across economics and ecology to the dynamics of social change. (...)

An Introduction:

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