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Il fatto che un’opinione sia ampiamente condivisa non è affatto una prova che non sia completamente assurda. Infatti, a causa della stupidità della maggior parte degli uomini, è molto più probabile che un giudizio diffuso sia sciocco piuttosto che ragionevole.

Bertrand Russell


World Energy Outlook 2009 launched in London

At a press conference in London on Tuesday, 10 November, the IEA Executive Director Nobuo Tanaka and Chief Economist Fatih Birol presented the results of the World Energy Outlook 2009 (WEO). The WEO 2009 looks at the impact of the economic downturn on energy use, CO2 emissions and energy investment and what will be required at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen to put together an agreement that stops global temperatures rising at a price that is affordable. The WEO also focuses on the natural gas resource base, current trends and the role gas will play in the future energy mix. The book includes a review of energy in Southeast Asia, looking at this fast-growing region and its implications for global energy markets.

The website:

Sintesi del Rapporto (in Italiano):



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