USA - Keystone XL and the Necessity of Activism


The fight against the Keystone XL pipeline has been one of the most publicized environmental controversies in the United States over the past decade. The proposed pipeline would bring oil derived from tar sands in Alberta to the coast of Texas.

Since the pipeline crosses an international border, the U.S. State Department must complete an environmental impact assessment of the pipeline and President Barack Obama ultimately has authority to approve its construction.
The pipeline was on track for approval by the president until a coalition of grassroots environmentalists led a series of protests last summer and fall to voice their opposition. During August and September 2011, 1,252 protesters were arrested in front of the White House in acts of civil disobedience and, in November, over 12,000 people encircled the building to pressure President Obama to kill the pipeline. As of this writing, the pipeline is still in limbo. The State Department is conducting another review of its environmental impacts, and it is unclear whether President Obama will ultimately approve it. (...)

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