Yemen - Water is scarce, People are ingenious

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Yemen is one of the five most water-stressed countries in the world. Climate Change is set to deplete further its limited water resources. Water service-delivery and rural and urban areas leave much to be desired, despite decade-old reforms carried out by the government.
TheWaterChannel attempts to document Yemen's water management heritage through the ‘Building on Practice’ video-series. Collective Action in Groundwater Management in Yemen, the first in the series, captures the ingenuity of the Yemeni people in Wadi Dhella village. With contribution from the community, a multi-layered water management system is now in place. Its tube wells, water pipes and recharge dams are run and maintained by the villagers themselves. And, they say, there is much, much more that they want to do in the future!

The video:

The interview:

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