Right to food progress in Southern & Eastern Africa

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How far are countries in Southern and Eastern Africa along the road to securing the right to food, what are the most effective ways of pursuing a rights-based approach, and what remains to be done? In this new briefing note, entitled From Charity to Entitlement: Implementing the right to food in Southern and Eastern Africa, the Special Rapporteur builds on discussions with politicians, institutional actors and civil society representatives at the April 4-5 expert meeting he convened in Nairobi.
"Rather than viewing hunger as simply a question of supply and demand, or a matter for private charity, a number of countries are recognizing that food is a legal entitlement," the Special Rapporteur states. The briefing note describes emerging institutional mechanisms for realizing the right to food, ranging from constitutional protections in South Africa and Kenya, to the quest for right to food framework laws in Uganda, Malawi and Mozambique. (...)

The Report:


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Africa Human Development Report 2012 - Towards a Food Secure Future:


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FAO – Studio sul diritto al cibo nel quadro strategico globale sulla sicurezza alimentare delle Nazioni Unite:
