Green Revolution

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“Green Revolution[1]” is a public relations term, probably coined in the 1960s by William Gaud, then Director of the U.S. Agency for international Development, that symbolized the modernization of agriculture in less industrialized countries by means of technological change rather than violent “Red Revolution” (Communism)[2]. The essence of the Green Revolution was developing fertilizer-responsive varieties of wheat and rice that would increase national yields of these basic cereals. With the increased national yields, promoters of this agricultural modernization saw the potential for reducing hunger, poverty, misery, and the potential for violent social upheaval that would threaten the geopolitical interests of the United States and other western powers.
Scientific research that underlay the green revolution is generally dated from the establishment of the Mexican Agricultural Program by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1943, and the successful technological changes were well in place by the 1970s in many parts of Asia and Latin America. Green revolution technology is now almost universally the “normal” way to do agriculture in all parts of the world except in parts of Africa. (...)

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