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Home Ambiente “The End of the Line”: Film warns of 'world without fish'

“The End of the Line”: Film warns of 'world without fish'

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The End of the Line”: Film warns of 'world without fish'

They are dramatic images to make a dramatic point. The End of the Line is a film packed with footage of big-scale fishing in oceans around the world. The work is efficient, modern, industrial and, according to the film makers, unsustainable. Amid doom laden music, the narrator tells us: "Our view of the sea has always been that it is huge, beautiful and inexhaustible. The oceans are the common heritage of all mankind and for billions of years they have been full of life." But that, according to the film-maker and journalist Charles Clover, is changing. The world's ocean environment - and the fish in it - is facing catastrophe.

"These huge resources which we once believed to be renewable, that our whole human history has led us up until now to believe are renewable, are not renewable any more because of what we are doing to them. And so our entire philosophical approach has to change. It is not going to be the same in the future as it was in the past." The documentary claims to be to the marine environment what “An Inconvenient Truth” was to global warming. The basic problem, says the film, is the huge over-capacity of the modern fishing industry. (...)

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