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World Ocean Conference 2009

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World Ocean Conference 2009

Oceans experts from around the world convened in Manado, Indonesia from 11-15 May 2009 for the World Ocean Conference (WOC2009) and Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Summit. This event, hosted by the Government of Indonesia, aimed to increase cooperation between nations on managing marine resources in the context of climate change, and increase understanding of the role of oceans in regulating global climate. Ministers, high-level government officials and the heads of several multilateral and non-governmental organizations attended the meeting. (…)

The Final Declaration synthesizes key messages conveyed by Ministers and the Heads of Delegations assembled at WOC2009, recognizing: the crucial role of the ocean as a component of the global climate system and in moderating its weather systems, and that the oceanographic processes that result from this interaction will affect the rate of climate change.
It covers an array of issues of collective concern, including the need to: commit to long-term conservation, management, and sustainable use of marine living resources; establish national strategies to sustainably manage marine and coastal ecosystems and enhance their resilience; reduce marine pollution; increase understanding and information exchange on coasts, oceans and climate change, particularly in developing countries; and establish and effectively manage MPAs, including resilient networks.
The Declaration also: recognizes the importance of improving understanding of the impact of climate change on the ocean, and the need to consider ocean dimensions to inform adaptation and mitigation strategies as appropriate; and invites participants to consider how coastal and ocean dimensions could be appropriately reflected at UNFCCC COP15.

The Summary of the Conference:

The conference website:

Conference daily coverage:


On the papers:




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