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Home Diritti Umani November 16 - International Day for Tolerance

November 16 - International Day for Tolerance

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At the initiative of UNESCO, 1995 was declared the United Nations Year for Tolerance, and it saw the launching of a world-wide campaign for tolerance and non-violence. The International Day for Tolerance grew out of the momentum of that Year. Building tolerance and trust in diverse communities is not done overnight, but takes time and commitment. Building tolerance requires access to education. Intolerance is often rooted in ignorance and fear: of the unknown, and of the "other", such as other cultures, religions and nations. Intolerance is also closely linked to an exaggerated sense of self-worth and pride: notions taught and learned at an early age. Therefore in coming years, greater emphasis needs to be placed on educating children about tolerance, human rights and fundamental freedoms. (...)

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