Peru - Working to Reform Environmental Impact Assessment System

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A random review by the Peruvian government of 205 environmental impact assessments approved between 2001 and 2010 revealed that 86 percent lacked complete information on how they had received the green light from the authorities. In 60 percent of the 205 cases analysed, the incomplete information referred to dissemination and citizen participation; in 74 percent, to the admissibility of the studies involved; and in 95 percent, to the way in which the terms of reference for their implementation had been approved. These environmental impact assessments (EIAs) are merely a sampling, representative of different economic activities, of the 2,360 that the Peruvian government approved between January 2001 and November 2010, and 62 percent correspond to the mining and energy sectors, as reported in May by the vice minister of Environmental Management at the Ministry of Environment, Mariano Castro, during a meeting in the Peruvian Congress. Civil society has put forward proposals to confront this problem, while the government has pledged that changes will be made. (...)

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