Neglected crops - Why it is critical we increase food diversity

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(...) The world’s food basket is shrinking at an alarming rate. Data from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) tells us that of the 100-120 species used today for large-scale food production, 95 percent of the dietary energy provided to humans comes from only about 20-30 crops, with sixty percent of our plant-based calorie intake provided by rice, wheat and maize.
Traditional crops such as Andean grains or leafy African vegetables are  increasingly ignored – farmers no longer see them as profitable, consumers are excluding them from their increasingly simplified diets, agricultural research is omitting them from their agendas and local communities are losing the food culture which is part of their identities. (...)

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The Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species:

From the Past... Crops for the Future:

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Fao - Traditional foods, nutrition education key to fighting hunger and malnutrition: